

Gostava de poder andar por lá sem luvas e cachecóis e a necessidade premente de me movimentar para não congelar. Gostava de me demorar pelos relvados ensolarados e quentes e aproveitar cada momento.

The Central Park Conservancy is a private, not-for-profit organization founded in 1980 that manages Central Park under a contract with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. Thanks to the generosity of many individuals, corporations, and foundations, the Conservancy has raised more than $350 million to date and has transformed Central Park into a model for urban parks worldwide. The Conservancy provides more than 84% of Central Park's annual $25 million operating budget and is responsible for all basic care of the Park.


Blogger Kite4Fun said...

Aposto que o cãozinho vai passear nuzinho por esta altura! Já não há respeito...

14/6/07 12:16 da manhã  

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