
Before Sunset

Jesse: Okay, so you do believe in religion?
Celine: No, I don't think so.
Jesse: What about fate?
Celine: [shakes her head] Mm-mmm.
Jesse: God?
Celine: No.
Celine: But at the same time I don't want to be one of those people who don't believe in anything magical.
Jesse: So then, astrology.
Celine: Yes, of course! Now that makes total sense, right? You're a Capricorn, I'm a Sagittarius, that's why we get along so well!

Sou Escorpião! Does that make any difference?!


Blogger Kite4Fun said...

Of course not!

"Powerful climaxes can be gained with Capricorn and Scorpio. Making love on the office desk would be enjoyable to you both."

The whole story at:

Scorpio-Capricorn compatibility

14/7/06 11:16 da manhã  

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